There are currently 352,668,704
UPC and EAN manufacturer's
codes in the Digit-Eyes database. These represent products from
over 60 countries. The database is continuously updated to bring you the
latest in product information. This is the information that is used by the option
in the Digit-Eyes iPhone app that scans UPC and EAN codes. This information
is also available if you want to use a laser scanner
to enter item numbers or look up items by keying in the code.
Why use a laser scanner? We don't really recommend using a scanner unless you have a special requirement.
Digit-Eyes is designed to use the autofocus camera on the iPhone or iPad. The benefit of doing
so is portability and convenience -- the phone is unlikely to be in the next room, out of battery or
broken, as is common with special-purpose devices. However, if you have a need to scan a large number
of items quickly or if you have problems using the phone to scan, you may want to consider using a
laser scanner.
How does a laser scanner work? Laser scanners work by scanning a laser beam across
a bar code and then measuring the intensity of light
reflected back from the item scanned. Dark bars in the bar code absorb light and white spaces
reflect light so that the voltage waveform generated by the photo diode is a
representation of the bar and space pattern in the bar code. This waveform
is decoded by the scanner in a manner similar to the way Morse code dots and dashes are decoded. Click
here for more information about how a laser scanner works.
What kind of laser scanner can I use? Digit-Eyes offers you two options to use a laser scanner.
One option is to use an Internet-connected laptop or
desktop computer and a powered laser scanner such as the Metrologic; the other is to use a fob-style
laser scanner that can be interfaced to your iPhone or iPad with Bluetooth.
Can I attach a USB powered scanner like the Metrologic to my iPhone? No; the Metrologic
gets its power for scanning through the USB connection. The iPhone and iPad do not support powered
USB connections; if they did, the laser scanner would very swiftly drain their batteries.
So how do I use a laser scanner with Digit-Eyes? The option works by running Digit-Eyes in a browser.
On the desktop: Use any browser and connect a
laser scanner that can emulate keyboard input to your desktop
or laptop computer. This type of scanner
includes the Metrologic scanner and many others. Some
connect with USB and some connect with the older style PS2
keyboard connector.
- Click here for
instructions on how to use a tethered laser scanner with
- Click here to use
a desk-top laser scanner with Digit-Eyes.
On the iPhone, iPad, iPod or Android: Open a browser
window on the device and bring up the website:
You can then pair a Bluetooth-connected scanner such as the KDC300
or Scanfob 2002 with the phone and scan products.
- Click here for
detailed instructions on how to pair and use the KDC300 with
Digit-Eyes on the iPhone, iPad or iPod.
- Click here for
detailed instructions on how to pair and use the Scanfob® 2002 laser scanner with
Digit-Eyes on the iPhone, iPad or iPod.
- For a complete review of the two scanners and their
differences, click here.