You're sighted.
Here's your shopping:

You're blind.
Here's your shopping:

If you can't see the labels, how do you
know which containers hold dog food?
If you have Digit-Eyes, it's easy!
Prefer to use a laser
scanner? Launch Digit-Eyes in a browser and use your tethered
or Bluetooth scanner to scan UPC or EAN codes. You'll be able
to find the names and extended product information of over 351,979,340
items in the Digit-Eyes database.
So with Digit-Eyes, you can grab the can at the top of
the pile, read the UPC, find out it's for Rover, stick your
own label on it, and record, "Doggy Delights, with lamb
and rice" -- all in a couple of seconds.
special price*
Click for Specifications
Get Digit-Eyes now!
*$9.99 price includes audio label recording option, UPC/EAN reader, code 3-of-9, (inventory tags) code 2-of-5 (supermarket shelf tags) and code 128 inventory tag readers. Pricing for the UPC/EAN reader alone is $5.99.